Saturday, March 15, 2014

Finally chilled with my homegurl today!

It took about an hour to get to the city. No Q train, no N train- we realized by the time we go to those train stations and so much time was wasted transferring :c

At least the weather was nice lmao (a bit windy though)

We went to Yaya to have try their rice balls. The drinks have such strange names!

"Hi can I have a boyfriend" lolol

So I ended up getting a Boyfriend and a salmon rice ball. Very yummy~

Here is Sam messing up on unwrapping her riceball lmao


We went to Elizabeth Center afterwards.  

There are stores that sell cute things like food key chains and jewelry. However, many are closing down because people just look and not buy their merchandise :c (like me).

I wanted to get anime posters at this anime store but it closed u__u

We shopped around at 34th street after that. I went to my first LUSH store. Also, I went to the biggest and most beautiful Victoria's Secret store ever! It was three stores and the underwears are soo cute! I bought new thongs too ^u^

We wanted to eat at Spot Dessert Bar afterwards but we couldn't find it. We see it on the iPhone map but not the store. We realized we gotta go to this building to take the elevator upstairs only labeled as "Food Gallery" -_-
Buy two desserts and get the third one half off!

 Chocolate green tea lava: warm soft dark chocolate cake, green tea ganache, green tea ice cream, walnut soil
(RATE: 9/10)
This was my favorite dessert. The melting chocolate is hot and dipping it with green tea ice cream is bliss on your taste buds~

Yuzu Eskimo- frozen japanese citrus cream bar, fresh strawberries and chocolate pearls
(RATE: 7/10)

The cream bars were a bit sour but the strawberries were delicious when dipped with the raspberry cream and chocolate powder.

Kabocha brulee cake: warm japanese pumpkin cake, walnut soil, condensed milk with ice cream 
(RATE: 8/10)

This tasted pretty good too; the cake was steaming hot. Steam was literally visible when was cut with a fork. It tasted great with the ice cream~

Looking pale af lolol

This is supposed to look like a rooster but I always see it as a triceratops :L

Walked so much yesterday, walked so much today. And leg day tomorrow