Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Thanksgiving Vacation

Yesterday was not the best Thanksgiving I had.
My mom woke me up at 6am to make me walk five miles. It was an event called the “Turkey Trot” where more than 3,000 people participate. It’s a run but my mom read that walkers are also welcome so she signed me up without telling me
So I was moody the entire morning. I only had two plain waffles and water for breakfast. ohmygod it was so discouraging! We walked so slow that we saw the runners back from the event. We were like the five people walking out of the 3,000.
(At least the park was pretty. I rather picnic there than walk FIVE MILES.)
We were like the last ones lol
Ugh and then i fell on the grass when i was done and cried lol jk ….sorta
(Went to a Chinese Restaurant waiting for seats.)
▻▻Fast forward until Thanksgiving dinner ▻▻
The dinner made the day everything better! I was extremely hungry as well. I saw all my relatives and cousins C:
I thought we wouldn’t have Turkey this year but there was! There were vegetables, mashed potatos, stuffing, fishballs, pasta, bread, and PIZZA!!
I didn’t eat pizza since last winter I think. I was craving it so much. It even had my favorite toppings. I was so happy ;u; ♥
My mom made soup and fruit punch. It was yummy too!
(Turkey ice cream cake LOL)
(My baby cousins playing. After I took the picture, he knocked her building down and they started fighting C’:)
My other cousin played ping pong with my little brother lol. It was hilarious!
Afterwards, my cousin showed me Gangnam style and now everyone in my family knows about it LOL
Black Friday [11.23.12]
I woke up at 5:45am and I went to the Menlo Park mall in New Jersey. Sam’s dad drove us and our moms.
(Pretty Christmas decorations when we entered the mall~)
We went to Forever21 first! As I arrived, I was disappointed that there were so little sales. But then, I went in the back of the store and I found that the section is all 50% off! ;u;
I bought the clothes I wanted; they are really cute ^w^
Afterwards, we went to Woodbridge mall. I got a necklace from Forever 21 (It’s my favorite store lol). I should have bought the dresses from there and this necklace from Claires. What a huge regret :C
We went to a diner afterwards. 
(An advertisement on our diner placemat. boob^ lol :D)
The food finally came. Everyone’s meal looked so yummy; mine was all right. I ordered a turkey dish- I don’t even know what it was called but it was a sandwhich. I didn’t know it was a sandwhich, I thought it was only the turkey :C
The food was still good nonetheless!
I shopped from 7am to 4am. I’m really exhausted T_T
(I wish I was photogenic :C)
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday ^w^

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