Sunday, April 14, 2013

☆.•*´¨`*•• (4.14.13) ••*´¨`*•.☆

Colin and I went to various places in the city. We were on an adventure! ^0^)/ ♪~
We first decided to visit Central Park again but then we decided to go to Grand Central station to shop beforehand since the train ride was too long and we were getting impatient lolol
But we missed our stop to Grand Central and we ended up in Queens which was to another borough ashjadlkjh
We finally found our way back and walked around there for awhile. It was my first time going around Grand Central; I was pretty amazed~
Then, we went to Central Park. The weather was warm and breezy; and the scenery was absolutely impeccable! It was pretty crowded as well since it was nice out. ^w^ ♪
(The cherry blossoms began to bloom! So pretty ^u^ I wanted to take better pictures but I’m still not used to taking random photos for my blog in front of Colin lol u__u;;)
(Biggest lake in Central Park. It is bluer in real life. Although the park is surrounded by trees, skyscrapers can still be seen. You can never escape the city!)
We walked through several different paths and occasionally sat under trees to rest. I should have brought snacks! D: We got hot dogs though.
(Resting~! Ughh i’m so unphotogenic =A=;;)
(Such a bad day to wear leggings lololl. We sat on grass, dirt and even rocks! We had dirt on our butts LOL)
We walked from north of the park, to the south. If you check the map, that’s hella lot of walking!
(Central Park, New York City! It looks amazing doesn’t it? [source])
After a lot of walking and sitting, we decided to go eat at Korea Town! ^0^)/
(@Shilla Restaurant! I love the side dishes. I don’t think Colin really liked them though because he has no idea what they are lolol!)
(Bibambap! I always order this every time I go to a Korean restaurant. I should try another dish next time.)
After we are full, we shopped around 34th street. There are so many stores and they are humongous! Every store has at least two floors.
When the sky was turning dark, we went to Union Square to sit. I have never visited this many parks until I met Colin LOL
We sat on a bench for awhile since our legs were still tired from walking. Colin wanted to take photos so we asked people to take pictures for us. They were all very kind! ^u^ ♥
The man who took this picture for us was holding my bag. I was worried he would take off with it along with the camera lol! But he was very friendly c:
(LOL You can see my red bag on the ground. I was so scared that someone would come steal it D:)
The people who we asked to take pictures for us were extremely nice! ^u^ They didn’t half ass it- like take a blurry pic and walk away. One man even cleaned the camera lens for us because it was dirty ;u;
After that, we decided to leave. Union Square has a lot of weird people at night :C
We must have walked at least a hundred blocks that day. I was so exhausted, I fell asleep on the train. 
I really enjoyed yesterday though! I’m still so sleepy ughh ahsjdlkh…I can’t wait until the weekend D;

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