Friday, August 15, 2014

Weekend with the bae

I spent last weekend camping with Colin and his friends at the Poconos! 

It was my first time camping and I wasn't much of a nature person but I adjusted quickly. Ex: I peed in the woods for the first time (It was so difficult and weird the first time but by the third day I had no shame peeing in front of him lol!) 

This was where we stayed. I honestly thought it would be a house. I had no idea we were literally camping lool

Colin just said that the place was in the woods ;3;

The place was pretty big inside. There are mattresses on each end of the trailer. They could be heated up at night! Colin and I slept on the right side. 

The area belonged to his friend. Her dad built this boardwalk and the guys skipped stones down the river. We saw frogs, tadpoles and water spiders.
Jesus spiders.

It was extremely cold on the first day so we literally sat around the campfire the entire day. The campfire looks so empty in this photo but by the last day, it was surrounded by empty beer bottles lool
(Left: Throwing sticks into the campfire. Right: Roasting hotdogs and marshmallows.)

 Night time rolled around and the first evening was a disaster. The generator wouldn't work (meaning no electricity or heat), coals weren't heating up (meaning no burgers), we couldn't find my friend's keys, and moths flew into the trailer. 

Basically everything that could go wrong went wrong but it miraculously was fixed within an hour! The generator finally started and we heated our mattresses for the night, we had burgers for dinner and Colin killed the moths ☺
Campfire nights ♥ The stars looked amazing. It is not a sight that could be seen in NYC since the city lights wash away the sky. Colin saw a shooting star three times! And I saw none smfh.

The weather was a lot warmer on the second day. We played volleyball, basketball and some played soccer.  

I saw so many animals during the weekend. It was literally like those ecosystems I learned about from my biology textbook! I saw water spiders, frogs, tadpoles, birds (specifically a hawk), a caterpillar, a cricket, gnats, mosquitos, a bunny (for the first time! *0* ♥), and a cat who is named Bobo. He's so friendly! I think he's a stray but he came up to me and walked around my legs while I was walking back to the campsite ;3;
Chilling on the boardwalk c: I look 12 without any makeup lmao, I'm only wearing red lipstick here.

 The water was so clear and fresh but awfully cold! It's still nice to dip your feet in though c:

We finally packed our things to head back home. We went to a diner and then a mall beforehand. I had a pretty good time, we did literally everything together lol! ☺ (except when my meal I ordered at the diner was nothing what I expected...I literally felt like crying idk if it were my hormones or cus I was high but it was like the worst moment of the trip totally my fault though) ♥


  1. I haven't seen an update to this for a while .... are you still around?

    1. Hey!

      Yes I'm still here! Sorry I haven't been updating lately, I have a lot of schoolwork to handle right now so I haven't gotten around to update this blog.

      I'm planning to update this weekend c:
