Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday!

Black Friday last year was pretty pathetic. I only bought a dress, a skirt, and a pair of underwear. I only wore the dress and skirt once and never again :L

BUT THIS YEAR IS HYPE. I bought mad stuff and esp. that I have a debit card now, I let loose...well just a little. I have never spent so much at once anyway, probably like $200.

Fitting room selfie

H&M had jeans for $10. I found the perfect high-waist jeans; turns out it was not on sale...$40 bucks. I still bought it though. I was going to get another pair if it were on sale :/ These are my first pair of high-waist jeans! Turning heads when I wear them- it's a deal breaker.
When I was shopping at Gap, one of the employees hit up a conversation with us. He asked if we had an instagram. Sam said yes so naturally I did too. I regret being honest because he was like "follow me". It's like he wanted me to follow him. So I followed him, and unfollowed when I left the store lolol

It's not the first time; guys always come up to talk to us. Even when I'm alone such as waiting for the train, a stranger always hit up a conversation with me. Why tho let me be lol

Shopping break! I tried the eggnog latte from Starbucks; it was all right. It was bitter at first. Imma stick with caramel brulee latte. 

At the end of my shopping, I got:
  1. five panties (5 for $26; I thought I bought thongs but turns out they weren't :/)
  2. a mint sweater from Forever21
  3. a gray shirt from Forever21
  4. presents for Colin
  5. pair of jeans from H&M
  6. coat from GAP
  7. snow boots from Macys
  8. sweatpants from Mandees (they make my booty look big lol)
  9. sweatpants that look like denim from Mandees
And that's it lol, damn I thought I bought more lol :L
We hit up two malls! I wasn't exhausted by then haha

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