Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Thick thighs, thin patience

I can't believe how thick my thighs have gotten.  Last summer, I thought that I will never have the fit bodies I see on Instagram                     and now I'm almost there!                                                                                                                  I never imagined that my thighs would get bigger since no matter how much I ate and lifted, I still felt very small.  I also couldn't imagine myself lifting heavy but now I can do leg presses with more than two 45lb plates on each side!                                                                        (lol it may not seem much to some of you but it is a great accomplishment for me :b)
Although I started lifting for almost year and a half already, I was always insecure about my body until awhile ago. Last summer, I cut so much of my calorie intake and did so much cardio to get abs, that my butt shrank as well the other muscles I worked really hard on. Even though I had nice abs in the end, I was very insecure and unhappy with my body.

These are some photos I took last summer.  I still had some arm muscles (not really but I never really had any arm muscles and this was where I had the most lol); I just realized I should start working out my arms as well instead of working only on my legs. 
Anyway, my legs were a lot smaller and my booty game was still kinda weak lmao
(yes my room is very messy :d)

It was only lately that I somewhat liked my body because I started to consistently work out. This girl on Instagram whom I follow and admire works out almost as long as I did. She competes and has a very aesthetic body. She told me, "Consistency is key!" and I followed her advice ever since ^_^


  1. You really need to read some books on self compassion. You're self judgement might result in what you think is a "better" body, but it's also really unhealthy to harbor such a low opinion of yourself for not meeting arbitrary beauty standards. Try reading Brene Brown, and Cristin Neff.

    1. My reply is 6 years too late, but I've been reading these entries back and I was definitely very insecure about myself. I actually stopped going to the gym and I am in a much better state now! No more abs but am much happier :)
