Thursday, April 17, 2014

[Canada] DAY 4: Last day...finally

I woke up in a terrible mood. Everyone was to wake up at 5am meaning I (along with most of us) had only two hours of sleep. And I was in the worst state ever; I even had a headache. Mann why did we drink so late at night? (lol jk it was fun)

The last place we went to was a hiking trip to a forest in Albany.

After an hour of hiking, we went to a buffet for lunch. It felt great to sit down and just eat since we barely had breakfast. It was around 4pm and we were almost back to NYC.

When suddenly our bus broke down...

Like are you fucking kidding me. Apparently one of the screws in the engine broke and without it the bus cannot move. The driver called the mechanics and he took two hours to arrive. The mechanic took the parts and took it back cus he said he'll bring another part back to us.

...three hours passed and he hasn't come back. Our driver called the company and they didn't pick up. We assume that sick fuck just stole the parts and dipped.

After being stuck in the middle of nowhere (well there was an inn and diner so it wasn't that bad), another bus came as a replacement. However, our awesome driver couldn't be with us for the rest of the ride so another driver drove us back instead.

In the end, we got back around 9 and I got home at 10pm. My phone was at 11%, it was 20 degrees (I thought it would be warmer in NY), and I am on the Q train with my big suitcase with these strange men staring at me.


Anyway, I was tired and moody. My mom picked me up and bought pho for me so that made me better c: ♥

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