Friday, September 6, 2013

Why did that man glare at Colin and me?

I was walking with Colin with my arm on his arm, and then some Asian guy on his bike gave me that look. He turned his head to look three times as he passed by us and each time he was scowling more and more... like the fuck you lookin at punk

"Why did that man look at me like that?" I asked Colin. 
"Probably because you're with me," he teased.
"Ahh you dishonah ah famry! You date black guy!" he then joked with a Chinese accent. 
"I be like fuck you lah!" I laughed.

But I was still bothered by that man's look. So rude.
Why do people stare at us so much? Why do some glare at us :/? 
Is it because it's rare to see a blasian couple? (lol probably though)

I mean, this isn't really the first time I see people stare at us, but I've never seen anyone stare at us so hatefully. I don't notice the stares sometimes though but Colin points it out when people do. We just laugh it off though.

But there are some nice strangers. Like once Colin and I were on the train, and this man was smiling at us and told Colin he went to China and he learned to speak Chinese and Korean. It was pretty cool because he spoke fairly well and I understood what he said :)

Anyway, I don't feel as bad because we had McDonald's afterwards. I was broke as fuck so I paid for my McDouble in nickel, dimes, and pennies (it was $1.09 lol) so cheap lah! I felt embarrassed because it's like I was dirt poor so Colin let me order his food with his debit card and he ordered mine with my coins lol!


  1. It really breaks my heart every time I hear about situations like this. When my ex, who is Chinese, and I were dating, this happened to us numerous times especially when we would eat at restaurants in Chinatown. Everyone would be staring at us and I will never the time when a waiter came up to my ex and told him in Chinese "That better not be your girlfriend" in front of me because I was black. I actually know a little Chinese and the fact that he actually told him that just really hurt me.

    This is just something that, unfortunately, you have to get used to being in an interracial relationship, but it is something that you and Colin can work with together. As far as I know at least where I'm from, Blasian couples are really really rare and are looked down upon. Even my parents who are in an interracial marriage (and Blasian!) still get faced with sh!t like this. I even get stared at when I go to some places with my mom because I look Black and she looks Asian and people wonder if I'm even her real daughter. My dream is that one day people will become less ignorant and just love each other. I really think interracial relationships are beautiful, as you and Colin are.

    1. What?! He actually said that? I would have slapped him! Did your ex say anything back because that was awfully rude. :c

      Blasian couples are pretty rare here too.I knew interracial couples would have to deal with things like these but that was the first time where I was like, "wow he is really glaring at me".

      & thank you so much! I have the same dream as you. People should love each other regardless of race and gender. I thought it was pretty simple. I can't believe there are still a lot of close minded people in this world who live in negativity. Like, just free your heart lol~ c:

  2. It is actually because you are Asian and date a black guy so people will stare at you. I myself will do it as well. Aft first I found it was surprising and strange when knowing that you dated a black guy! ^^ however people are meant to be together and that doesn't matter to anyone else.

    1. It's okay. I remember when I saw a blasian couple for the first time I was staring at them too! I don't mind it though but it's just that, that man was glaring at us like wahh what did we do ;3;

      But thank you for being so understanding and open minded! I wish more people would be like this u__u;; ♥
