Thursday, December 26, 2013

☃ Ski Trip (PART 2)

Extremely tired after several hours of skiing, we came back to the lodge with a table full of delicious food ♥

They were mostly chicken wings (of different flavors), sandwiches and french fries. 

Our moms bought it from the restaurant in the lodge before it closed. We had our feast in the lobby lolol
On Thursdays, martinis are half-off so our moms bought a few drinks for us!

S'mores (Smirnoff Marshmallow, Godiva Liqueur & Graham Cracker Rim) and Merry Mint Martini (Stoli Vanil, Green Creme de Menthe, White Creme de Cacao)

After that, Sam and I explored the lodge and took a few pics.

Guess what guys I found a book containing the secret of life!!

lol it was a good prop tho

We also camerwhored a bit (well Sam was the photographer haha)

*max picdrop*

  very christmas much festive

 in ma crib lol jk

 Took one last selfie and then put on a facial mask and slept.

I was so exhausted but I barely had any sleep at all.

My mom's snores are fucking loud, idk how Sam slept through all this. She slept like a log lolol I felt bad since my stuffed animals and I took up most of the room on the bed :c
Next morning I was aching all over so I didn't ski with Sam.

I had lunch with my mom and Sam's mom while Sam went skiing.

I miraculously finished my pot roast sandwich. It was delicious though =w= ♥
After that we went back to the ski resort where I waited for Sam to finish skiing. I waited for four hours; extremely boring but I had my beats, a book Colin lent me and my 3DS so I was entertained :3

We went back to New York and ate dinner at a Chinese restaurant. When I got home, I realized I forgot my glasses back at the lodge -__-

I called the lodge and the manager was nice enough to mail the glasses back to me. I'm wearing my spare glasses for now.

I really like the place; the staff are nice, the environment is clean and the food is good! Also there is wifi

Anyway, I'm glad I'm back in New York =w= ♥

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