Wednesday, February 5, 2014

keep going ♪

I haven't worked out in three days due to the shit weather in New York. All the snow makes it incredibly difficult to walk to the gym. I seriously despise winter. The other only reason skip a day of exercise is because I am too sore to move.

Although it's only the second day of the semester, I already cut my first two classes lmao. My mom thought it would be too dangerous so my dad drove me to school to third period along with my bro

Trying to maintain a healthy diet! Salmon, avocado and celery roll~

It's been approximately half a month since I've worked out. Changes are slowly showing. Stretch marks on the sides of my butt are becoming more visible and spreading. When my hands travel down the arch of my back, I can finally feel the rise of my butt. It's GR8. My thighs are getting toner as well! ^u^

I've been mostly doing leg exercises. I plan on doing more ab exercises now. My stomach only looks good when I flex it ;u; 
I kinda stopped doing the squat challenge because I realized no matter how many air squats you do, you won't gain any muscle (at least, barely). Yes, it gives you more endurance but it won't make you any gains. It takes a lot more than just air squats to give you a nice booty.

Perfect example.

I was supposed to go to the gym today but it snowed, sleeted, and then rained. The ground was frozen due to the snow from Monday, then covered with a fresh blanket of snow. But now the snow is all slush and there are huge puddles everything. I didn't want to walk to the gym in this weather :c

Each day I don't exercise, I feel like I'm wasting my life. I could be using the time I waste laying on my bed to work for a better body. Well, I'm going to the gym tomorrow no matter what! ab and back workouts leggoo~

lego~ lmao

Embarrassing story: The teacher in one of my classes was absent so I slept throughout the period. I had a dream I was eating noodles but I woke up realizing I was only slurping air. I really hope no one saw  that =p=;; *facepalm*

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