Sunday, February 9, 2014

Leg day: My favorite day ♥

Outer thigh abductor and inner thigh adductor (45 lbs)

Sumo deadlifts (55 lbs). 
I'm not good at deadlifts but this variation is easier than stiff left deadlifts. Colin did 315 lbs lmao I'm so weak :c

Leg press (60, 70, then 90 lbs)
Knee extensions (70 lbs)
Seated leg curls (70 lbs)
Powerline glute (20 lbs)
My favorite workout because it targets the glutes! I think I made too much noise during this exercise lol u__u;;

Seated calf raises (40 then 70 lbs).

So exhausted! Stretch marks are becoming a lot more visible on my left glute. I can't wait to see myself one month from now. Arm and chest day tomorrow (if it stops snowing)!

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