Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year~!

Unwrapped Christmas presents on New Year's; mad late right lolol

 Celebrated our belated Christmas at our aunt's house. It's a real pine tree

Uncle was the chef! Delicious especially the mashed potatoes. It's the best mashed potatoes I have tasted in my life. It's so good, gravy would only ruin the taste! *0*

Capturing the moment~

my bro can't smile for shit lol i had to tell him to smile in this pic


lol I still like it

Cousin made this for me; she's only seven!

The day was pretty boring. My relatives just talked and stuff I don't even know lol... I forgot my 3DS at home. At least I was allowed to have alcohol and I drank (no one stopped me ;u;) until it was finally time to eat. The best part was the presents; I received a lot of great ones! And I gave my parents presents for the first time c:

When my relatives saw me, they're like "ohh you look so different!" "your face got fatter" etc etc. Maybe I should start working out and I should work on my appearance more since I'm still not satisfied. 

Hate how my family criticizes my looks but then they said I don't need plastic surgery???


  1. i feel like asian relatives are always so critical or maybe just chinese relatives???. -_- my relatives are like that and one of my friend's relatives are like that too. it's okay it's tough love LOL

    1. yeahh i think it's mostly asian relatives because our standards are pretty high but mann it makes me feel like crap sometimes u__u;;
